Board meeting

Board meeting via Zoom by invite only.

Board meeting

Board meeting by invite only. Annual holiday dinner.

Board meeting

Board meeting via zoom by invite only

Area leader dinner

Save the date. Annual area leader meeting/dinner. We will have 2 guest speakers. This meeting is for area leaders only. Please see invite in your email if you are an […]

Spirit night fundraiser

Come to the Ashburn Texas Roadhouse for a great dinner and 10% of your food order will go to KLB. Thank you for your support.

Sterling clean up

Heads up! Another Cleanup! Loudoun Nature Conservation Project will be hosting a park clean up at Claude Moore on 3/16 at 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. They will be meeting […]

Waterford Cleanup

Waterford clean up will be Friday March 27 through Sunday April 6th. This is the normal roadside trash pick along roads into Waterford. If weather delays this it will extend […]

Willowsford Cleanup

Join us for our third annual Village wide clean-up day, Monday, March 31st, 2025 from 10-12pm! Keeping Willowsford beautiful takes a Village, participating in this clean-up day is only one way […]

Keep Leesburg Beautiful

The Town celebrates Keep Leesburg Beautiful throughout the month of April each year. This initiative is an opportunity for businesses, residents, and community groups to come together to make Leesburg […]

W&OD trial cleanup Purcellville

Looking for 10 people to cleanup our adopt-a-trial in Purcellville during "Celebrate trials day". This is a 0.7 mile long area of the W&OD trial in Purcellville starting in front […]

Lovettsville town cleanup

Join the town of Lovettsville for their annual spring cleanup. More details will come soon.