
KLB 50th Anniversary

We are funded only through private donations.  

That money goes to fund cleanup supplies (safety vests, bags, gloves, pickup sticks), as well as to fund canoe rentals and hazardous waste dump fees for our two annual water cleanup events. In addition to program fees, we invest money on educational programs administered in our county schools and more.

Since 1972, Keep Loudoun Beautiful (KLB) has served Loudoun County through litter removal, education, environmental advocacy, and beautification efforts. Our organization was born out of citizens’ frustrations for the lack of accountability our local government displayed toward littered streets and parks. These tensions led to the KLB founding members depositing litter collected onto the floor at a Board of Supervisors meeting.  Since that impactful day 50 years ago, over ten thousand citizen volunteers have taken to the streets to clean our community with the help of Keep Loudoun Beautiful. KLB monitors illegal dumping, plants trees with other community associations, established a KLB park out of a generous donation from the County, sponsors artwork from the county’s youth for prizes and public display in the circuit court, keeps rivers and streams clean through canoe and watershed cleanups, all with the aid of our diverse volunteer groups and annual outreach programs within the Loudoun community.

Even with all these accomplishments, litter persists as a significant issue in the county. Within the last 50 years, many farms have been replaced by subdivisions, and the population has grown from under 40,000 to well over 400,000.  Growth and increased population density has resulted in more trash being generated and ultimately ending up in the gutter, the storm drain, and Loudoun waterways.

Despite this reality, we continue to look forward to the next 50 years with optimism.  KLB has a new generation of student leaders helping to update our programs.  In 2021, we launched our first video contest for high school aged students, replacing our 18 years of elementary school poster and essay contests.  With new communities in the county, we have new areas and new area leaders joining KLB to help continue and grow our efforts.  We invite you to get involved by joining a committee, becoming an area leader for your neighborhood, donating to our efforts, and always choosing to live sustainably.  With your help and commitment to reduce, reuse, and recycle, we know we can Keep Loudoun Beautiful for the next 50 years and beyond.

To donate you can send a check or click on the green donate button. Please let us know how you heard about us with your donation.

Please make checks payable to: Keep Loudoun Beautiful

Keep Loudoun Beautiful
P.O. Box 5
Leesburg VA 20178

Supporter levels:

  1. Helping Loudoun level $50: It helps to buy 3 grabber sticks
  2. Helping the Planet level $100: It helps to buy 7 grabber sticks
  3. Making a difference level $250: It helps to buy 7 grabber sticks and 6 packages of 50 orange/blue bags (30 gallon/heavy duty)
  4. Inspiring others level $500: It helps to buy 7 grabber sticks and 6 packages of 50 orange/blue bags (30 gallon/heavy duty) and 1 cash prize for environmental projects at the Loudoun Science Fair
  5. Saving the world level $1,000: It helps to buy 7 grabber sticks and 6 packages of 50 orange/blue bags (30 gallon/heavy duty) 2 cash prizes for environmental projects at the Loudoun Science Fair and part of the costs for our Canoe cleanup events

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Give Choose will take place on March 25th, 2025, beginning midnight and ending 11:59 p.m, but you can donate as early as March 11th, 2025. We highly encourage you to schedule your donation now because, thanks to the generous sponsors of the event, they’ll award prizes to charities hitting special benchmarks throughout the 24-hour period of giving.

We have been proudly supporting Loudoun County for 52 years now! Our goal is to keep a healthy and beautiful environment for our families, communities, and wildlife. Give/Choose is a 24 hour day of online giving organized by the Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties to benefit local charities serving our community.
The goal is to inspire our community to come together to give generously to charities that make our community the best place to grow.
Thank you for your support!

For 2024 we earned $600- Thank you so much to all of our donors!!

Ebay for Charity

Increase your sells by listing your items on Ebay, mark “Keep Loudoun beautiful” as your charity of choice. DYK: Items that benefit charity sell faster, even at a premium price? Donate 10% or more and your item will feature an attention-grabbing charity ribbon—it may even be listed in the Charity Shop. Plus, you reduce your seller fees and enjoy tax savings. Use Charity Search to find your favorite charity, then look for “Donate a portion to charity” when you list your item. Add your charity and pick your donation percentage before finalizing your listing. Sell and ship to your customer as usual. No additional steps or paperwork required. Within a few weeks, and after the buyer has paid, our partners at PayPal Giving Fund will collect your donation via your automatic payment method or you’ll receive an invoice to pay your donations. PayPal Giving Fund will grant the funds to your selected charity in accordance with PayPal Giving Fund’s policies and will provide you with a donation receipt. eBay will also discount your Final Value Fees equal to the percentage you donated.


Locations where you can donate your used sneakers:

Orange Theory gym- Leesburg and Ashburn locations

DSW shoe stores

Exxon gas station at RT 15/Harmony church rd. , drop off box

https://www.igive.com/welcome/lp16/cr64a.cfm make a difference every time you shop. Sign up and join with iGive.com and enter Keep Loudoun Beautiful as your charity of choice, shop, and we earn money. Super easy.