Holiday/board meeting

End of year holiday dinner/meeting. Board members only.

Board Meeting

Board member meeting via zoom

Ashby Ponds Environment Fair

Speaking to the senior citizens at Ashby Ponds fair event. This is not a cleanup event please no volunteers needed at this environmental fair.

Board meeting

Board members only via zoom.

Annual Area Leader dinner

This event is invite only for our area leaders. Please RSVP to the invite sent out either by text or email.

Willowsford Cleanup

Register for the first cleanup of the year. This is a day off of school so great for students to get their service hours. Please click link to register.

Board Meeting

Board members only via Zoom.

Purcellville cleanup

The Keep Loudoun Beautiful Purcellville Trash Clean-Up is back! There will be one cleanup date with 2 time slots. The cleanup will be held Saturday, March 16,  9am - noon and 1 pm - 4 pm. We will assign you an area within the Town of Purcellville that your group will be responsible for cleaning. If you have particular […]

Waterford clean up

Join in with the town of Waterford's cleanup. April 3-23. There will be captains forming crews to work the different roads between those dates. Please contact Nick Ratcliffe if you would like to participate. 540-882-3348

Sterling Foundation cleanup

Join us on Saturday, April 6, for our quarterly community cleanup. Meet at Briar Patch Park on Sterling Blvd. Meet promptly at 8:45am to get orange bags, safety vests and assignments. Please bring work gloves and invite a neighbor.

Tree Planting #1

All spots are full.Join us for our annual tree plantings hosted by the Goose Creek Assoc. This event is for those who are 8th grade to adults only. No young kids please. Dress in warm attire- suggest pants because you will be on your knees in the dirt. Boots or closed toes shoes only. No […]

Keep Leesburg Beautiful cleanup event

Come and join the Keep "Leesburg" Beautiful campaign beginning on April 6th. Please go to link for details on how you can get involved and do a cleanup.