Waterford Cleanup

Waterford clean up will be Friday March 28 through Sunday April 6th. This is the normal roadside trash pick along roads into Waterford. If weather delays this it will extend one week longer to Sunday April 13. Material will be available on my front porch 15575 Second St Waterford on Friday March,28 Contact Nick R. […]

Broad Run Farms cleanup

Sterling cleanup in Broad Run farms- April 5th. Please contact Dan Schultz for details of event and how you can help out. schdan9977@gmail.com

Potomac Watershed cleanup

Potomac Watershed Cleanup 2025 The Potomac Watershed Cleanup has grown from a small shoreline cleanup at Piscataway National Park to a watershed wide network. What started as a few cleanup events along the Potomac River is now a regional event spanning Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. This year, Cascades Community […]

Tree Planting #1

We will have 2 tree plantings this year with the Goose Creek Assoc. Location details coming soon.  The dates will be April 5th and the 12th, 2025.  NO CHILDREN under the age of 14 please. This is heavy lifting, hard labor. Only high schoolers and older please.  Details: We recommend that volunteers wear waterproof/old boots or shoes since we […]

Keep Leesburg Beautiful

The Town celebrates Keep Leesburg Beautiful throughout the month of April each year. This initiative is an opportunity for businesses, residents, and community groups to come together to make Leesburg a cleaner place for all. The Town welcomes volunteers to get outside in the Spring by hosting a litter clean-up competition, where the winning group will […]

Lovettsville Market cleanup

Come help us on Sunday, April, 6th at 2pm as we continue our clean up efforts along Berlin Turnpike!! Since 2013, we have collected over 340!!! bags of trash and countless tires! Please meet in the empty lot next to Bridge End Gas station by 2pm. Gloves, Safety Vests and trash bags will be provided! […]

Tree Planting #2

We will have 2 tree plantings this year with the Goose Creek Assoc. Location details coming soon.  The dates will be April 5th and the 12th, 2025.  NO CHILDREN under the age of 14 please. This is heavy lifting, hard labor. Only high schoolers and older please.  Details: We recommend that volunteers wear waterproof/old boots or shoes since we […]

Board Meeting

Board meeting by invite only via Zoom.

Middleburg Cleanup

Middleburg spring cleanup April 26th 8-10 am at the Middleburg town hall. There will be a breakfast followed by a town walkabout during which we'll pick up trash and odds and ends to keep our beautiful town spick and span!

W&OD trial cleanup Purcellville

Looking for 10 people to cleanup our adopt-a-trial in Purcellville during "Celebrate trials day". This is a 0.7 mile long area of the W&OD trial in Purcellville starting in front of Loudoun valley High School (N. maple st.) to Berlin turnpike.