Empowering youth, restoring nature, and fostering community through non-profit environmental stewardship in Loudoun county.
Head Director Ryan Nisay
We are a proud sponsor of SEAS

We are a proud judge and sponsor of the winners of the special awards for environmental projects.
Good job to the 2025 LCPS winners of the Regional Science and Engineering fair:
Each year Keep Loudoun Beautiful judges and sponsors the winners of the special awards for environmental projects.
1st place- Briar Woods HS-Usta-Omar, Aziza, Inaya Virk; 119T12 Assessing the Exposure of Microplastics Using Gromphadorhina portentosa- $300
2nd place- Lightridge HS -Nicole Almeida, Sena Elmardini 901T11 The digestive enzymes of Wax Worms: Breaking Down Polyethylene. $200
3rd place- Heritage HS-Liam Murphy, Matteo Navarro 1213T12 The Efficacy of RFID Technology on Lithium-Ion Battery Waste Management $100
LCPS Wild Student Leadership Conference:
Presentation at the LCPS Wild Student Leadership Conference Tuesday Nov. 7th, 2023 at Dominion High school. Made great connections with students and teachers on the environmental issues in Loudoun county and the ways that they can get involved.
3rd annual video contest winners for 2023:
Recycling Do’s and Don’ts-
First place: We keep loudoun beautiful by Lori Stone The academies of Loudoun (Green earth club) – $200
Second place-
Recycling do’s and don’ts by Grady Buffalo from Eagle Ridge MS $100
Link to both:
Reduce/reuse/ upcycle-
First Place: Halloween jars by Ellie Weber from Eagle Ridge MS $200
First place overall-
We keep Loudoun beautiful- $200
Thank you students for participating in KLB’s third annual video contest.
Poster & Essay Contest
For more than 15 years, KLB organized a poster & essay contest with elementary students around Loudoun County, as well as private and home-based schools. The posters and essays contained the themes of reducing, reusing, recycling, ecology, litter clean-up, composting & beautification.You can see all the beautiful art created by these talented kids in the links below.
Starting next year, we are planning on converting this contest to a Video contest. Stay tuned for details by the end of the year!
Click on the links below to view the web pages that show the poster and essay winners from previous school years.