
Keep Loudoun Beautiful Committees

Finance Committee: This committee shall be responsible for determining the ways and means by which the financial requirements of the Corporation shall be met. As soon as possible after the end of the fiscal year, this committee shall review the Annual Financial Report and financial books and records, then prepare and present a budget for the ensuing year to the Board. The committee shall from time to time advise the Board regarding the financial condition and financial policies of the Corporation. They shall suggest ways and means to conserve funds and increase revenues of the Corporation. The Finance Committee chairperson, usually the Treasurer, shall report committee actions and status at each Board meeting.  Time investment for committee members is 1 hour per month.

Nominations Committee: This committee shall obtain sponsorship of each potential nominee from a sponsoring director, associate director, honorary director, or Corporation sponsor and submit its nominee recommendations to the Board on a case-by-case basis. This committee shall also manage the annual election of officers. In October, this committee shall prepare and distribute a slate of Corporation officer candidates to the Board for election voting at the December Board meeting.  Time investment for committee members is 2 hours per month in Oct – Dec and 1 hour in other months.

Development Committee: This committee shall be responsible for and may comprise subcommittees/charters, subcommittee chairpersons, and project/task managers for the separate purposes of: Sponsorship Development; Sponsorship Classes; Fund Raising; Advocacy Influence and Corporation Promotion; and other purposes as deemed appropriate. The Development Committee chairperson shall report committee actions and status at each Board meeting.  Time investment for committee members is 2 hours per month.

Programs Committee: This committee shall be responsible for and may comprise subcommittees/charters, subcommittee chairpersons, and project/task managers for the separate purposes of: Corporate Operations, Plans, Procedures, and Bylaws; Reuse, Refuse, and Recycling (including watersheds, roads, parks, open space, dumps, landfills); Restoration and Beautification; Education and Training; Speakers’ Bureau; Area Leaders; Special Events; and other purposes as deemed appropriate. The Programs Committee chairperson and subcommittee chairpersons shall report respective committee actions and status at each Board meeting.  Time investment for committee members is 2 hours per month and may be more 1-2 times per year when events are taking place.

Communications Committee: This committee shall be responsible for and may comprise subcommittees/charters, subcommittee chairpersons, and project/task managers for the separate purposes of: Corporation Web Site Management, Social Media presence; Corporation Periodic and Ad Hoc Sponsorship and Media Announcements (Press releases), Advertising, and Public Solicitations; Signage, Banners, Displays, and Brochures; and other purposes as deemed appropriate. The Communications Committee chairperson shall report committee actions and status at each Board meeting.  Time investment for committee members is 2 hours per month.

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