At times, Keep Loudoun Beautiful will publish a position or policy statements about Loudoun County related topics, or those that encourage Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
We will be working with the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy on stream monitoring, cleanups, etc. Please take a look at their website to see what this non-profit organization is working on that you may want to get involved with. Keep an eye on our events page as well to get involved with cleanups that will be happening.
If you have furniture that you are putting on the curb for trash please consider saving it from the landfill and contacting Aimee instead. She will come pick it up, refurbish it and donate it for those moving out of shelters and into homes of their own. She is local and doing great work for those who are in need and keeping more items from filling up our landfill.

We are working with the Goose Creek Assoc. on 2 tree planting projects each year during the month of April.
Disposable Plastic Bag Tax
Plastic Bag Tax Effective July 1, 2022
The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors approved a disposable plastic bag tax of five cents ($0.05) per plastic bag began July 1, 2022. Loudoun County joins other jurisdictions in the region that have adopted or are currently considering a disposable plastic bag tax to reduce plastic pollution in the region. Revenues generated by the tax can only be spent on programs that address litter and pollution or help low-income residents obtain durable reusable shopping bags free of charge. Read the ordinance here.
Lightweight plastic bags are commonly found in waterways as litter and remain as a pollutant. Unlike natural materials, plastic never completely degrades. It breaks down over time into tiny pieces called microplastics that can end up in food and water and can harm wildlife. Learn more on reducing waste and recycling.
What You Need to Know About the Tax
- The tax will be collected on plastic bags used for purchases made at grocery stores, convenience stores and drugstores countywide, including those within the county’s incorporated towns.
- The tax does not apply to restaurants, food banks, farmers markets or clothing stores. It also does not apply to:
- Durable plastic bags that are specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse.
- Plastic bags that are solely used to wrap, contain, or package ice cream, meat, fish, poultry, produce, unwrapped bulk food items, or perishable food items in order to avoid damage or contamination.
- Plastic bags used to carry dry cleaning or prescription drugs.
- Multiple plastic bags sold in packages and intended for use as garbage, pet waste or leaf removal bags.
- To compensate for the cost of collecting, accounting for, and remitting the tax, retailers are permitted to keep a portion of the tax collected, accounting for the discount in the form of a deduction when submitting their tax return.
Bring Your Own Bag
- Shoppers can avoid the bag fee by bringing their own bags.
- Tips for remembering your reusable bags:
- Write “Bring Bags” at the top of your grocery list.
- Post a reminder note by your door.
- Hang your bags by your door or put them back in your car as soon as you empty and clean them.
- Store or clip an extra bag in your purse or backpack.
- Keep a spare bag at work.
- Put your coupons in your bag.
- Put a reminder in your phone to bring your bags if you regularly shop on a set day of the week.
Resources for Impacted Businesses
The Loudoun County Department of Economic Development has information for businesses on the plastic bag tax and will continue to work with retailers to prepare them for tax collection.